IMWRI – Making it suck less

I’ve mentioned that I hate ImageMagick before. I still hate it but finally took the time to update AND test it for ImageMagick 7. As a result it’s now a mostly usable image source or at least should be. There are only a few remaining quirks which will probably exist for all time. Like being able to figure out if a source file is floating point for any remotely relevant format apart from TIFF. But enough about that, all 8-31 bit images will be assumed to be integer and all 32 bit images will be assumed to be float. Unless it’s in TIFF in which case it will all just magickally work.

Binaries and discussion are in this thread.

Seal holding its breath to avoid the smell of ImageMagick

2 thoughts on “IMWRI – Making it suck less

    • No, I spent all my time fixing ffms2000 and vapoursynth bugs. And doing the minimal amount of work on imwri. If no serious bugs are found it could be good enough for now.

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